Pipeline Process Control Optimization Techniques Course (PPCO)

Cost: USD $2,300/person


  • November 13-15, 2012 in Houston, TX

Place: The course venue will be announce soon.  

This 3.5-day course  has been designed for E&I technicians and process/operations engineers who want to understand the importance of optimum pressure control performance on pipeline operations and to improve their ability to identify and troubleshoot pipeline process control problems. This is an applications oriented course. At the end of the program, the attendees will have acquired practical knowledge that can be immediately applied.  The course has been very well received by pipeline control personnel from companies such as Enbridge, TransCanada, Inter Pipeline Fund, Access Pipeline, Koso Rexa, Cybertech Automation and Plains Midstream. 

You can also watch a brief video presentation at www.pronamicscontrol.com. We would greatly appreciate it if you could pass this information along to anyone who you might think would be interested.

 ProNamics Control is a process control consulting company located in Vancouver, BC. Pipeline process control optimization and troubleshooting is one of our core activities. We have conducted approximately 50 field surveys over the past 7 years and have expertise in developing dynamic pipeline simulations. We are recognized training experts, conducting a range of process and control training courses for operations management, E&I technicians and process control engineers.

Optimo Group Inc. is an Indiana based process control optimization consulting firm that serves pipeline, oil refining, pharmaceutical, power and stell industries. This company services include process control design and optimization, advanced process control and process automation. Visit our website for more information at www.optimogrp.com 

Please do not hesitate to call or email Fernando Otero  (317) 650-3029, fernando.otero@optimogrp.com, if you have any  questions.